
Screenshots - Simple Data Handling

Below are numerous screen shots showing some of the features of the package:
IntroductionSimple icons and an uncluttered presentation
Pie Chart 1Getting started using a Pie chart
Pie Chart 2Data Entry
Pie Chart 3Pie chart grows as data is entered. Dialogue box shows Table options
Pie Chart 4Dialogue box shows Chart options
Completed ChartThe completed chart. Selecting the Convert icon gives a Bar chart
Bar ChartBar chart representation of the same data
Line Graph 1Starting a line graph

Line Graph 2Line Graph - note that curves and best fit lines can be drawn.

As each point is entered in the Table it is then plotted on the Graph. The students see the graph grow as the data is entered.

The axes autoscale so that all points are always visible.

Histograp 1Histogram of class heights.
Histogram 2Chart options for a Histogram.
HelpHelp is always to hand
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